February 20, 2016

Checking In: February 2016

Inspired by a blog I really enjoy (Rove and Wend - she's a Flight Attendant, check it out!) I am going to make monthly check-ins. That way I can keep track for my own personal use, but also it is a fun way to share what I am up to. 

Making: Smores Dip (I am obsessed with everything smores!) Check it out
Wondering: Why it looks like Fall outside in Florida when it is February
Eating: Chocolate Covered Bananas and Gordo's Queso Dip
Shopping: Trader Joes. Just recently discovered the amazing world of Trader Joes (I'm hooked!)
Hosting: I want to have a St Patrick's Day party, but not sure how it will work with my schedule. Fingers Crossed!
Drinking: Any form of red wine I can get my hands on. Really enjoying a good Cabernet or Merlot. Also enjoying sparkling lime and grapefruit water #healthy

Celebrating: Valentine's Day just passed..What did I do? Had a fun day with some friends and of course watched Walking Dead (how romantic)
Following: Rove and Wend (she is a DCP alum who is a Flight Attendant now, #goals) 
Watching: The Walking Dead is back on!!! I am also hooked on the new show American Crime Story featuring the trial with OJ Simpson..Morgan got me hooked on the Bachelor (I'm embarassed). Also just finished Nurse Jackie
Listening: Falling Slowly from "Once"...Omg I am obsessed...
Reading: Ooops this one is awkward. I never read...like ever...but I do enjoy a good Refinery 29 article now and then (online reading counts right?)
Discovering: Netflix....I have not given in and gotten my own account, but my roommate's account does look very tempting and interesting...
Buying: Lots of boots! I have a new found obsession with ankle boots and riding boots and all kinds of boots. Super practical for Florida right??
Working:  I have spent most of my time working at all new locations this month. I have been introduced to the Disney Springs location, and I LOVE it!
Traveling: Just got back from Atlanta to visit my grandparents. Also got to see my mom's best friend's grand babies (TWINS!)..Omg they are adorable
Liking: I am liking lots of animal photos lately. Especially Prissy_pig
Hashtagging: #shareyourears Disney is running a campaign, and every ear photo posted with that hashtag results in a $5 donation to Make A Wish!
Learning: More Photoshop tricks
Hoping: I can get out of the awkward 23/24 year old funk and figure out my life!
Considering: Saving my money to go on a trip to Europe...any takers???
Thanking: My grandparents for allowing me to come visit them this past week and spoiling me rotten the whole time I was there
Goals: I need to be healthier and work out more often. I have started to attempt regular gym trips, but we shall see how long that lasts for...