September 15, 2014

What To Do While You Wait

So I had my phone interview on Friday. I was pretty pleased with it, and it lasted 19 minutes. Now all I have left to do at this moment is wait. I constantly check my dash hoping for exciting movement. I am also currently waiting to hear back for the DCP. It seems like so many people on the Facebook group have heard back already. No one has gotten BBB or PL though so hopefully that is why I haven't heard anything! While I am waiting I am trying to keep myself busy so I don't become too glued to my dash.

Currently, I am watching The Big Bang Theory. I really didn't know how amazing this show was until lately. Another amazing thing is the caramel apple pops that you can only buy in Fall seasons. I am not a fan of Fall because it starts getting dark earlier and it means the cold is coming. Hence why I am SOO excited to move to Orlando. I do however love Halloween and I cannot decide what to dress up as. I have been browsing and these pictures have given me some good inspiration.

This, minus the baby. But my boyfriend isn't too excited about being Flynn.
Love the Mary Poppins and Bert idea. Bratyon is even willing to dress as Bert, but where on earth will he find that jacket?! Btw- These kids are PRESH
I love the Eric and Ariel idea, but then again that would require me to start going to the gym to wear that mermaid bikini!

Anyone else notice a theme here?! Ha. I think it is very apparent I need to be hired for Disney, now!

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